


School cooperation


The cooperation between the library and the school makes the library and the materials it offers more familiar to schoolchildren. The goal of the Muonio municipal library is to support the reading, development of reading skills and lifelong learning of the children and young people of Muonio. Forms of cooperation include teaching library use, tips, reading boxes and reading diplomas.

Welcome to borrow desk books even with the whole class!

Library use teaching

The library invites all 1st graders to visit the library and get their own library card. The main focus of the visit is getting to know the home library, introducing the facilities and materials, borrowing a book and handling it properly at home.
The librarian delivers library card applications to the class, which are then delivered to the library. Pupils who have completed the application will receive new cards during the visit.
You can find more information about obtaining a Library Card here.

Every year, we also organize a library use lesson for 4th graders and an information search lesson for 7th graders.

In the 4th grade, the theme is Library Adventure. During the lesson, a playful library orientation is carried out, where the students wander between the shelves and at the same time get to know the different materials in the library. At the same time, the use of the library's online services is introduced.

In the 7th grade, the theme is Library and information search. During the lesson, we get to know the basics of searching for information online and in the library. At the same time, the use of the library's online services is presented from the perspective of information retrieval.


Contact information

Muonio municipal library

Pirkantie 3
PL  52
99301 Muonio

Borrowing  +358 40 356 6254
Library Car +358 400 398 219


Paula Löppönen
Library director-culture secretary
+358 40 489 5110

Marja Alatalo
Library clerk Muonio library/
Nordic library car
+358 40 356 6254

Vertti Barkholm
Youth worker-library clerk
+358 40 489 5193

Iida Kalliohaka
Car librarian, Nordic Library car
+358 40 482 9543

Heidi Sadinmaa
Library car driver-officer
+358 400 398 219


Vinkkaus koululaisille

Mitä koululaiset voisivat seuraavaksi lukea? Apuna tähän toimii kirjavinkkaus!
Kirjavinkkaus tuo parhaat kirjat luokallesi. Kirjastovirkailijan poimimista kirjoista tarttuu varmasti jotain uutta ja mielenkiintoista aloittelevan lukijan tai jo kokeneen lukutoukan reppuun.

Vinkkaus voidaan toteuttaa koulussa, kirjastossa tai etänä verkossa. Tilaisuus kestää 30-60 min. Vinkkauksessa voidaan esitellä aineistoa teeman mukaisesti tai sopivana sekoituksena kaikkea. Lopuksi oppilaat voivat lainata kirjoja omilla korteillaan.

Tilaa vinkkaus hyvissä ajoin, mieluiten 2 viikkoa ennen vinkkauksen järjestämistä.

Voit tilata vinkkauksen täältä tai puh. 040 3566254.

Reading Box

Library in mini size for school!

Do you want versatile reading material for your class that is suitable for readers of different levels?

It is possible to order a Reading Box for the school from the library, i.e. a couple of boxes of books to borrow according to your wishes. The boxes can contain, for example, various non-fiction or, for example, information books related to a certain theme. The reading box is a great way to increase students' reading enthusiasm, make it easier to find suitable books and get additional resources to support different subjects or phenomenon-based projects!

Order the boxes well in advance, preferably two weeks before you need them.
You can order the boxes using the form found behind the link. The loan period of the box is 6 weeks.

Reading Diploma

The municipality of Muonio has adopted the reading diploma launched by the Rovaniemi City Library, which is used to encourage children to read. Click on Diploma and find out which books are recommended for children of each age group. After the book lists, you will find assignments suitable for each grade level to complete the diploma. You can also order reading diploma books for school using the reading box!


Reading diplomas of Lapland's libraries

Reading diploma instructions for teachers

Reading diploma 1-2 classes, Reading diploma 1-2 classes: assignments

Reading diploma 3-4 classes, Reading diploma 3-4 classes: assignments

Reading diploma 5-6 grades, Reading diploma 5-6 grades: tasks

Muonio municipal library's printable reading diploma certificate