Municipality and administration

Municipality and administration

Municipality and administration

Municipal strategy

Muonio's municipal strategy 2025

Naturally responsible, genuinely open and happy Muonio

Muonio's new municipal strategy was worked on based on a municipal survey, trustees and work seminar, and the Muonio forum aimed at municipal residents.

On June 13, 2022, the council approved Muonio's municipal strategy 2025 as a joint guide map that guides the municipality's decision-making and operations towards the future. It contains the municipality's most significant development goals, which are updated at least once per council term.

Our municipal strategy is based on values, which are principles that guide choices. They are related to a person's perception of a good life and they are visible in all our activities. They are a backbone in decision-making and choices when routines are not helpful. We have formed our vision of the future of Muonio based on values, because values change slowly regardless of changing decision-makers or fads on the surface.

Download the summary of the draft strategy here (fi)

A broader explanatory of the strategy can be read here (fi)